Friday, October 14, 2005

Some Resolution

The ultrasound went well this morning - no gall stones. In fact, nothing wrong with any of my abdominal organs. So, while we still don't know what's causing the pain, I at least don't have to face surgery and deal with general anesthesia while breastfeeding. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers on that!

After much figurative hand-wringing and family discussions, we have found a place outside of our small & constantly messy house to have Emmelia's birthday party! I'm actually looking forward to this now! Turns out there's a City-owned building at one of the parks where they have a room set aside just for preschooler birthday parties. And they have a "party planner" who will help you keep things going, play games with the kids, make a craft with the kids, etc. All for a VERY reasonably price tag. I'm tickled about it, actually. I've edited this post to show the inviation Em picked above. Now to find envelopes to fit and get them out! Emmelia at first wanted a Dora the Explorer invitation, but we're not really planning a Dora theme and I don't want her to only get Dora gifts, if you know what I mean. So after more talking, she told me she wanted the invitation to have "stars, hearts and balloons - so they know it's a party!" . LOL. Pink and purple are her favorite colors, so the invitation of course had to reflect that. She's such a cutie. I can't believe she's almost four.

Next week she and I are going to go meet her new Suzuki Violin teacher and observe a lesson so Emmelia can see what to expect. I am so excited to have found an instructor who has lessons that work with a working mom's schedule. It wasn't looking good for a while. I hope next week goes well! If it does, you can probably expect a scrap layout of Em playing the violin - just a guess. ;-)

We started verbs in Russian this week! Yes, now I can say "She is writing." Turns out if you conjugate that verb according to the normal conjugation rules instead of its own special way, you would say "She is peeing." Ha, ha. We now know how to make our first joke in Russian.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the ultrasound results... now if you can just figure out what the real cause is, you'll be set. Have they checked for 4yo birthday party stress induced pain?

11:21 PM  

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