Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Not too shabby

Shabby Princess has a new digital scrapbooking kit out. I thought it coordinated nicely with this photo of Maura that I took recently. I really like the styles on that site. And with such a cute and photogenic subject (who turned 18 months old this past weekend! Eek!), it's easy to throw a layout together.

Today is gray and chilly - fall is definitely in the air. I have a Russian exam tomorrow so I'm hoping to have enough energy to stay up tonight after the girls fall asleep to study, but this weather makes it hard to have extra energy.

Not much else is going on. I had some random thoughts in my head this morning about how our lives and relationships change as we get older, but I'm waiting to see if they are going to congeal into something more poignant. Next week I have an ultrasound to see if I need to have my gall bladder removed, so please keep me in your thoughts and prayers for that to resolve in a good way. The doctor said I have a "positive Murphy sign." In other words, the area around my gall bladder hurts when she touches it - so there might be a laparoscopy in my future. We'll know more in a couple of weeks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have all the thoughts and prayers you need!!

8:37 AM  

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