Sunday, October 09, 2005

Even so, Lord Jesus, quickly come!

Our priest has laryngitis, so there was no sermon today. But he did manage to say one thing: if Jesus were to come again right now, today, would he find us thinking about Him and working on our salvation? Or would he find us distracted by something else?

Ack! I like to think that some of my distractions such as working through the things I've posted here ARE part of working out my salvation and my relationship with God. But are they really? Is it better to just let it go so I can learn to draw near to God instead of continuing to beat against this wall? Or am I fooling myself - is it possible that I cannot draw near to God until I have gotten through this?

I guess, in other words - how much of holding on to this is pride and fear and lack of faith in God? On the other hand, what happened to me is a large part of who I am. Because of the things I experienced, I am the person I am today. I can't just say it didn't happen or didn't affect me. I know there is a happy medium in there somewhere and hopefully I have a little more time to find it.


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