Friday, October 21, 2005

Busy as a paper hanger in a Hurricane

It's been a crazy week. Emmelia is now a Suzuki violin student (yeay!) and is very excited about it - she starts lessons officially on her 4th birthday. Maura had her 18-month check-up and is actually advanced in some verbal and motor skills. Unfortunately, she shares some obscure allergy with her sister as she had the same skin reaction to the MMR vaccine. Weird. Oh - she is also sporting a lovely gash on her forehead that we weren't sure whether needed stitches (luckily it didn't). Poor thing. And I got contacts again. So far I like the freedom they give me. I don't miss getting hit on the side of my glasses as seemed like was always happening. But it's also weird to get used to how I look without glasses. The Deac is especially having a hard time with it.

And, to top it off, we're *REALLY* hoping Hurricane Wilma doesn't destroy the gulf coast of Florida just before we head there on vacation!! Minor worries for the weekend. Well, the good news is that after huge storms stir up the Gulf like this, the shelling is usually EXCELLENT! Anyway, keep your fingers crossed.


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