Friday, January 19, 2007

Fathers & Daughters

One of the gifts I got for Christmas was the Paul Simon CD "Surprise." I love Paul Simon. And since getting the CD, I've fallen in love with a verse from his song "Fathers & Daughters." It seemed perfect to use on a layout with a photo of a friend of ours and his new daughter I took last summer. I was honored that our friends asked me to be present for Leeza's birth. At the last moment, after a fully un-medicated labor (Leeza's mom was *pushing*).... the doctor discovered the baby was in a frank breech position and little Leeza was safely delivered via emergency c-section. This photo was one of the first taken of father and daughter after her delivery, while mom was still in the operating room. So, I of course had to scrap it and the Paul Simon verse came to mind. The layout itself started out more simple, using a template from Christine Nash and Doodleboog's City Love kit... but then I decided to "free-style" a bit and it got kind of crazy. But (I think) fun, too.


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