Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year!

It's been crazy here, what with the eight feet of snow and all....

Last week I had surgery to release and lengthen my Achille's tendon, as well as the tendons on the top of my foot that move my toes. I am really hopeful that this will help me be able to lead a more active life with less pain. Right now it's kind of annoying because I'm on crutches. And, you know, it just keeps snowing and snowing and snowing..... once I get the cast off and can discard the crutches it will be much easier.

I wanted to just post quickly so you all know the blog isn't defunct. I just haven't felt much like sitting in front of a computer lately. This has hurt my digiscrapping, too. I just haven't felt like scrapping much, even. I put a lot of work into a 4x6 "brag book" for my Mom for Christmas (which she seemed to like a lot), but now I'm a little "scrapped out". I'm sure I'll feel more into it next week.

I still have about $50 in iTunes gift certificates I got for Christmas if anyone has any suggestions for what I should download!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right...I like it a LOT. I continue to be amazed by all the work and love that went into it. Today I showed it to all my friends at lunch and they were all quite taken with the girls, the pictures, the scrapping and everything. Great good comments from everyone.

If you like classical with a contemporary arrangement you might look at Andre Rieu. I like him a lot.

Love you

7:19 PM  

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