Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Germs and Teeth (but not together this time)

Well, the evil bug of pukey sickness has finally made it's way around to me today. It slowly worked its way through the whole family over the past week. Yesterday I stayed home with Emmelia and had hopes that I might avoid it... but then it hit around 4 am this morning. Sigh.

Hopefully we didn't infect the tooth fairy when she made her first ever trip to our home! That's right - Emmelia lost her first tooth last night. She was very excited - she's been looking forward to losing a tooth for a couple of years already. The tooth fairy brought her a gold coin (a Sacajawea dollar) and some Pooh rubber stamps. I'm just floored that my baby is old enough to lose a tooth already. I keep asking her to smile for me - isn't it so cute?


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