Monday, March 19, 2007

A belated Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We had a busy weekend. On Friday I took the day off and joined a friend and her son to take the girls to the Children's Museum in Denver. It was a fun day for all of us. Here's a photo I took of the girls in the Fire Department exhibit at the museum:

Then on Saturday Emmelia was a sort of "example student" for a continuing ed class for local Suzuki violin instructors. It was a lot of fun - she joined about 4 other kids her age/level and we learned a few new tricks. We might get to do it again next Saturday, too. After that, we drove to NCAR in Boulder to meet some folks the Deac knows who are visiting from Pennsylvania. We hiked a little ways up the trail (I couldn't go too far on my sore tendons) to show them the beautiful panoramic views. The girls were really into hiking, so hopefully we'll get out some more this summer. I managed to get a great photo of Maura sitting on a rock at NCAR.

The weather was absolutely gorgeous this weekend. Perfect for spending a day walking around and sight-seeing.

After that, we all went down to the Pearl Street Mall and had lunch. Since it was St. Patrick's Day, the Mall was packed with revelers and street performers. When we got there, Emmelia asked if we were at the circus. Hee. Well, sort of, I guess.... I made a scrapbook page about it today using some new templates my friend Amy created. Full credits are HERE.
I haven't gotten a chance to play around some more with Maura's invitation, but I should get on that and get the invitations out soon!


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