Friday, February 09, 2007

Big week, pt. 2

Yesterday I wore my new makeup and got no less than 5 comments about how nice I looked and how blue my eyes are. That was really nice. I never in a million years would've chosen brown and red eye shadows for me, but the lady at Sephora put them on me and they look great. And they do really bring out the blue in my eyes. Go figure. So, it was a nice confidence builder. Remember that it's hard to get a decent photograph of yourself (plus I look really washed out from the flash) and ignore the fact that I really need a haircut and (according to a co-worker) an eyebrow wax.... and here's my new look:
I saw the Orthopedist about my tendons yesterday. He is really happy with how things are progressing, as am I. But he wants me to keep wearing the walking boot all the time (except when sleeping, showering and driving) for another whole month before I go back to shoes. I'm wondering how I'll walk when I get out of the boot - this foot has never had to walk heel-to-toe before. The Ortho said that if I need to, I can do physical therapy to re-learn how to walk.

Yesterday I also saw my Reproductive Endocrinologist to discuss the MRI results and hysterectomy. Turns out you need to have 4-6 weeks of time off work after a hysterectomy. It's a pretty major surgery. Since I just used up all my time off, we're talking at least six months before I'd be ready to do the surgery. So in the meantime he suggested I try one more option to treat the pain hormonally. There are studies that have shown the particular treatment he suggested is effective for endometriosis pain, but nothing about whether or not it will help with adenomyosis. If it works, it buys us some time to decide on another child or not. If it doesn't work, we'll just go ahead with the hysterectomy in a few months.

We've decided that our work building has been cursed. Plagues are descending upon it. We keep expecting frogs to fall out of the ceiling. Last weekend, a water pipe broke in a wall in one of our offices and wasn't discovered for at least 12 hours since it was the weekend. This caused a flood all over the floor in our office area. So all week long we've been trying to work in really horrid conditions - our offices are in disarray because we had to get everything up off the floor. Loud fans are running constantly to try to dry out the carpet and drywall. They also send wind through the offices, so paper flies everywhere if you don't hold it down. Today we found out the insulation in the outer wall of our offices is still wet, so they are going to have to cut out at least a foot of wall just in time for the next cold snap to hit the state. Really miserable. In addition, one employee in another part of the department got fed up with the stress and quit this week. A student assistant found out he might have cancer. We lost connection to the internet and our local area network for several hours accidentally while the IT guy was out of town. And yesterday, just to add insult to injury, the sewers began backing up (don't forget that all the doors are open and fans are blowing to dry things out). Ugh! What a week, really.

I keep forgetting to mention that I'm taking an on-line course from Colorado State University this semester. It is a review course for the Health Physics exam I'm taking in July. So far it's been a great class, but there is a TON of homework - the week BEFORE the first class session, we had over 300 pages of reading and 50+ physics problems to work. One of the fun things about it being an online course, though, is that I can download the lectures onto my video iPod and watch/listen to them at my convenience. I really like that. So today I'm going to try to distract myself from the loud fan noise by trying to figure out some physics equations! I have the craziest life lately.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eyebrow wax, eyebrow schmax. Yer fine.

8:45 PM  

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